"We Are Who We Are is a drama limited series from Sky Atlantic and HBO. The show focuses on two American kids who live on a U.S. military base near Venice, Italy in 2016. The series is a coming of age tale that explores friendship, first love, identity, and immerses the viewer in the messy exhilaration and anguish of being a teenager in such extraordinary circumstances. The original score to We Are Who We Are was composed by singer-songwriter Devonté Hynes. Featuring ringing piano work infused with elements of electronica, Hynes's score to We Are Who We Are ranks among some of his finest work. This release also includes a selection of songs featured in the series, such as 'The Love We Make' by Prince, 'Lightning Strikes' by Klaus Nomi, and 'Why Must the Show Go On' by Philip Oakey & Giorgio Moroder. This vinyl release is pressed on a pair of marble vinyl and housed in a gatefold jacket. A 12"x12" credit insert is also included." - Milan Records
- original score for Luca Guadagnino's HBO series starring Chloë Sevigny
- composed by Dev Hynes (Blood Orange) w/ additional songs from the series by Prince, Klaus Nomi, Julius Eastman, Giorgio Moroder + more
- multicolor splatter colored double vinyl pressing
- housed in deluxe gatefold jacket w/ printed insert
- limited edition
- music label: Milan Records 2021