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Vinyl Discount at Turntable Lab

#TTL4orMore: Buy 4 or More Vinyl Records
+ Automatically Receive 10% Off Those Titles.

Everyday Deal: No Expiration. No Code Necessary!

  • No Code Necessary. Applies automatically on our checkout page.
  • Pre-configured Vinyl Packs / Bundles / Boxsets count as (1) record.
  • Does not apply to Pre-Order records.
  • Does not work with discount codes or offers (eg. using a separate discount code will negate this discount).


  • Our 4 or More discount will only apply to at most (2) copies of the SAME record. However, all records will still count in unlocking 4 or More discount.
  • For example, you purchase 4 copies of the same title, only (2) copies will be eligible for the 10% discount. However, since 4 records have been added to cart, any other titles will be eligible for the 10% discount.
  • If you purchase (3) copies of the same title and (1) copy of the another title, (2) of the (3) same title records will be discounted. the other single title will also get the discount.
  • Sounds complicated, why are you doing this? We've noticed that orders for large volumes of our exclusive and limited records that use the 4 Or More discount. Although, we love all our customers, we would also like as many of our customers to have a chance to purchase our exclusives and limited records.
The #TTL4orMore discount will be applied automatically at the checkout page.

also checkout the Turntable Lab Rewards Program