By daring to be different, Adventure lives up to its title. Released just a year after their blisteringly influential debut Marquee Moon, Television embarked on a slightly more ethereal outing with Adventure. It's tough to objectively discuss Adventure without comparing it to their debut, which informed an entire generation of musicians and influenced the new wave and indie rock movements of the 1980's (and beyond). That said, their sophomore outing is tamer and more reflective, a little more pop sounding but with similar driving arrangements. The groovier, more layered sounds on the album is superb on tracks like 'Glory' and 'The Dream's Dream'. You can tell the band is going in a different sonic direction with the same tools, and while it's hard to reinvent the wheel, there isn't a weak song on the album. It's one of the greatest guitar-based bands playing 8 outstanding tracks. Pick it up while you can cause this Limited Edition pressing is on red vinyl, a nod to the albums original red UK pressing. Released by Rhino, 2019.
- red colored vinyl
- part of Rhino's 'Start Your Ear Off Right' series
- limited edition
- music label: Rhino 2019
reviewed by Ralphy Corduroy 1/2019