"The next installment in the Disco Pogo Tribute series is the legendary electronic artist Aphex Twin. This follows the hugely successful Disco Pogo Tribute to Daft Punk. Like Daft Punk, the people behind Disco Pogo have had a long-standing relationship with Richard D. James for over 30 years via their 90s magazine Jockey Slut. The book is edited by Disco Pogo editor Jim Butler and features interviews, essays and features from the best music journalists working today. The book features an iconic cover portrait of Aphex by seminal photographer Wolfgang Tillmans, plus a huge amount of great photography of Richard since the very beginning from some of the best music photographers in the world. Thanks also to the designer of Aphex's logo Paul Nicholson who has opened up his archives to us and also the assistance and support from the label homes of Aphex - Warp, R&S and Rephlex. Thanks also to the people behind Aphex fan website Lanner Chronicle. The book is hardback, 250 plus pages and is beautifully designed and printed of course." - Disco Pogo
- collection of rare Aphex Twin interviews, essays, photos, oral histories and record reviews
- 1st edition hardcover
- 250+ pages
- UK import
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