The future sound of Neo-Tokyo, finally officially reissued! Geinoh Yamashirogumi created a masterpiece with Symphonic Suite Akira. Juxtaposing ancient musical traditions with futuristic synths and computer-generated effects, Geinoh Yamashirogumi, lead by Dr. Shoji Yamashiro, provided a sonic backdrop worthy of the epicness that is Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira. The Japanese music collective is epic in itself - consisting of hundreds people from all walks of life (from students, salarymen, doctors, journalists, etc) working in harmony to create a sound unlike any other. This is the group's most well-known and awe-inspiring work to date and has been out-of-print (not to mention expensive!) for a long time, so you can bet we we're stoked to see this official reissue come in. Comes pressed in ultra hi-resolution sound on heavyweight double 180 gram vinyl complete with in-depth liner notes by composer Dr. Yamashiro on topics ranging from AKIRA, to Geinoh Yamashirogumi, to his work in advanced brain studies. A must for Akira fans, cult film buffs, and anyone who appreciates otherworldly sounds. Recommended.
- 180g black double vinyl pressing
- in-depth liner notes by Dr. Yamashiro (head of Geinoh Yamashirogumi)
- ultra hi-resolution audio pressing produces the "hypersonic effect," a physiological change in the brain that results in a comfortable, relaxed feeling
- gatefold jacket w/ printed inners
- music label: Milan 2017
reviewed by TKB 04/2014