Porco Rosso is a 1992 animated film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The plot follows an italian WWI fighter pilot that currently works as a bounty hunter and his clashes with air pirates over the Adriatic Sea. However, a curse has turned him into an anthromorphic pig, earning him the nickname of “Porco Rosso” (italian for “Red Pig”.) It features many homages to early aviation, and is one of the few Ghibli films set in an identifiable real world place and point in history. The score was again composed by Joe Hisaishi and performed by a 70 piece orchestra, giving a quaint and quirky sonic backdrop for Miyazaki’s incredible hand-drawn animation. Features two vocal tracks (“The Time Of The Cherries”, sung by Tokiko Kato which also feature arrangements by Yoko Kanno. (Cowboy Bebop, Macross Plus, ∀ Gundam). The jacket features new artwork, and this LP includes an obi strip.
- transparent red colored vinyl
- high quality Japan import
- remastered sound
- includes printed insert + obi strip
- limited edition
- original release year: 1992
- music label: Studio Ghibli Records 2023
reviewed by VENTO AUREO 01/2020