At this point we've all got to be at least a little familiar with Sonic Youth. They started back in the 80s before most of you were born, have recorded a seemingly endless stream of material and have been around long enough that we're now witnessing the dissolution of the couple that seemed to form the nucleus of the group. Goo is there 6th album and was there first foray into the world of major labels. Following the success of Daydream Nation the band signed with Geffen Records in 1990 and went on to release albums on the newly formed DGC sub-label. It's hard to say if signing with Geffen led the band to change their sound, but many will say Goo is their most accessible album. You'll probably recognize tracks like "Dirty Boots," "Kool Thing," "Mote" and "My Friend Goo." This deluxe 4 LP boxset features out-takes, b sides, rehearsals and the 8 track demos that the band recorded in anticipation of the album. Also of note is the Raymond Pettibon cover art. The illustration is based on a paparazzi photo of Maureen Hindley and her first husband David Smith, witnesses in the case of the Moors murders serial killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, driving to the trial in 1966.
- music label: Goofin' Records 2005
reviewed by Hank Ohs 06/2013