"The everlastingly unique Susumu Yokota pursued a world filled with beauty and delicate expression in Symbol, the first in a series of newly remastered works to be reissued with P-VINE records. Despite having his life cut tragically short, Yokota left behind a legacy of sonically gifted works, and his mastery of trackmaking is no more so on display than with this, the 8th to be released under his own skintone record label. As he glides seamlessly between worlds occupied by angels and demons, of compositions etched into the history of classical music and his own unpredictable contemporary craft, we are reminded of the symbolism explored at the core of this work. The familiar and the dissimilar and the aesthetic relations to the world around us. This is an album that twists, turns and pirouettes through baroque and techno landscapes, and is on the verge of another grand appearance." - P-Vine
- imaginative 2004 ambient electronica / downtempo from Japanese producer & composer Susumu Yokota
- yellow colored vinyl
- first time on vinyl
- high-quality Japanese import w/ obi strip
- includes printed insert
- limited edition
- music label: P-Vine 2021